The Marchers

I love and thank all the marchers from the bottom of my heart.

I couldn't march today because I am in the hospital with a broken hip and fractured femur.  I lost my footing when walking in my driveway and fell in an odd way resulting in a BROKEN HIP and BROKEN FEMUR!  Also, I'm in a body cast.  And one of my eyes needs some kind of surgical procedure because my vision's all messed up because a stick went into my eye.  I'll keep you posted on that.   But  the good news is that you marchers are making me proud and happy and a little bit guilty.  I think anyone in their right mind can understand why I am not with you at this point in time.


Mary M. said…
Oh dear, my thoughts are with you.
mar said…
Lee, this is awful! You poor girl! Please take good care of yourself and get better soon. Hugs to you!
Nancy said…
LH said…
Hey Friends,
I hope I didn't worry anyone.
I just made up this story because I felt guilty that I didn't march today.
I'm fine as can be.
Eyes are great. No body cast.
But what a great story, don't you think????

Saw a great movie tonight, btw: 20th Century Women!
I too am guilty that I did not march yesterday. Instead of feeling guilty I will just redouble my efforts as we move forward. One incredible march will not suffice but it is a great start. We can lead future resistance efforts. By the way I am glad that was a made up story.
LH said… more guilt! Inspired to actions! Thanks, Unabashed!
Mary M. said…
I believed you. Tonight I checked out your school blog. It seemed as though you were going to be in school next week, so I came back here to get the story. I feel ridiculous.
Lee, you're a stinker. I was totally gasping in shock, but I'm totally gullible. Glad you are ok. I didn't March either, although I really wanted to.
mar said…
Well you sure had me Lee! I was worried about you! I'm so glad you're okay.
LH said…
Thanks for the care and concern good pals.

Maybe I should apply for a job in the trump administration.
I can be the director of Education instead of Betsy D.

I'm good at fake news and I actually have decades of experience in public schools.

KC said…
I keep thinking about Betsy D. and how ridiculous it is that literally everyone who works in my building would be a better choice for Sec of Ed than she is.

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