The Ratchet
Yesterday, we had a wasp in Room 200. As you know from last year's entries about wasps, nothing can get done with a wasp in the vicinity. This year is no exception, but because The Thirdlanders tend to be a highly spirited crew, they really ratcheted up the wasp drama as said wasp dive-bombed us repeatedly. Students screamed, cried out in anguish, fell into each other's arms, ran out of the room, etc. No one was stung, but I suppose the potential was there. I myself got stung twice last year as you may recall. Still, I remained calm and explained to the Thirdlanders that running, screaming and crying are things that do not help a wasp situation. Today I'm armed with wasp spray, and whenever a wasp appears, all educating will cease, so that wasps may die. I'm also going to talk to The Thirdlanders about appropriate behavior in tough situations. Again.