The Commas
I reviewed six uses for the comma today and I told the Thirdlanders to write me a letter on their iPads. This letter could be imaginative, but it must have all six types of commas somewhere within. As they brought up the iPads for a quick edit, I would make suggestions to the letter like: "Instead of Dear Dr. H., why not write something like 'Dear Wonderful Dr. H.?' and "You need a comma after an interjection somewhere in here. Why not try something like, 'Oh, I forgot to tell you how much I'm enjoying being in your class?'" I said about 80 comments like this. The Thirdlanders never laughed. Rather they seriously revised to add compliments galore. I found it harder and harder to give them proofreading tips because the letters were so darned adorable. One kid wrote, "Hashtag Best Teacher Ever." His letter had lots of spelling and comma errors, but who am I to judge?