Thursday Creativity Share

 I'm heading to the school district's annual meet and greet.  I'm pretty sure the superintendent wants to remind us to encourage creativity in all its forms in our own lives and in the lives of our students.

There's a big creative event tonight at Upland Brewery. #1 Son is playing some jazzy jazz outside on the patio from 7 to 9.  I'll probably go there and relax and listen.

And another creative thing is this.  I was looking through my extensive picture book collection and I found a book given me by Good Pal Menosky.  It's a book of black and white photographs taken in a city somewhere and each photograph is accompanied by a haiku.  First day activity sitting right there, people.  BOOM.  We'll take our iPads outside and photograph something cool at school.  I also want the kids to take some selfies because we're starting the year with a look in to how our actions enhance wellness for ourselves and for others.

So there you have it.  Thursday creativity share is again a wrap.  Jackson Pollock.  Jazz on a summer evening.  Black and white photography.  Haiku.  Selfies.  In a nutshell, creative.  Let's get it done.


KC said…
Excellent. It seems like it might be time for us to do another podcast to talk about these great ideas.
mm said…
I'm ready to listen to your podcasts!
Anonymous said…
Plan B - maybe sketch what they see? and then a Haiku

jdoc said…
I'm digging the haiku + iPad idea. I might do that with Sam this week. He doesn't know about syllables yet, but we'll figure it out.

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