The Wants

I am happy about the Supreme Court's ruling about Obamacare.  The Prez says Obamacare is "here to stay."  I hope he's right.  But I heard on the news that all the Republicans in the land are against Obamacare and all the Democrats in the land are for it.  I would like to volunteer as a navigator and get some Republicans signed up for Obamacare.

We watched Tiny last night, a documentary about building a tiny house.  I thought it was a pretty good documentary which you should see if you feel like it, but I would rather watch a documentary about living in a tiny house with two or three Savannah cats.  The day to day ins and outs of living in the tiny house with large pets would make for a fascinating tale.


Anonymous said…
I would go watch that for sure. Great idea, my dear.
mm said…
Tiny houses would be a bit interesting with large pets. They would become large pests.
LH said…
FYI . I'm about to get my hair cut.
LH said…
FYI . Just got a latte.
lee said…
FYI: Working on the project.
LH said…
I'm kind of working and kind of not. Trying not to be results oriented today.
KC said…
I really want a tiny house for a studio, as you know.

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