#TwinTuesday and Spring Break Day 4

Lemon and plastic bug. It doesn't get much better than this. 
We walked in Muir Woods yesterday.  Beautiful. Then we saw the Rosie the Riveter Museum.  Fascinating. Then we had wine at a beautiful wine bar with Cynthia.  Cheer!  Memories are being made, my friends.  Memories are being made. 


cb said…
Excellent #TwinTuesday still life. Your photos are really beautiful too. What a fun spring break for all. xoxo
mm said…
Not bad having a plastic bug on spring break!
jdoc said…
It seems to me that you are having the best spring break ever. And this lemon with plastic bug proves it.
KC said…
My comment disappeared. I love this #TT.
known as mike once said…
bugs , even of plastic ilk, are, as far as i am concerned, splendid sharers of my planet. i salute thee.
LH said…
Hi CB, MM JDOC, KC and Used to be Mike!

I have a lot of extra bugs left over from our fete. I wish I had handed out more to everyone. What was I thinking?

Maybe they'll show up here from time to time.

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