Spring Break Day 2

Clearly, things are going very well.  We had a long walk in Golden Gate Park yesterday.  Golden Gate Park wins hands down for best park on the planet.  We saw wildlife and ate ice cream.  We had dinner with dear chums at Fang, best Chinese restaurant on the planet.  Then we stood up on the best rooftop on the planet and talked with chums and drank cocktails.  In conclusion, it's all a dream come true.


mm said…
Great photos... especially the little animal coming out of the ground.
LH said…
That's a pocket gopher. It was a thrill to get a photo of the illustrious pocket gopher.
lee said…
And guess what else? Today we saw a gopher snake!
Anonymous said…
Fun! What a great day!

Sarah M.
Anonymous said…
Keep those pics rolling out, my dear.
KC said…
The wildlife!!! Amazing.
Bob said…
Sitting at HSB, one of those little diggers popped up right next to me. Never saw him, just the dirt. Lots of dirt.
Sandora said…
Love these pictures!
LH said…
These pocket gophers are incredible. So small, but they get the job done.

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