The Rain

It's a rainy Sunday.  I went into school yesterday and today in the hope that I might enjoy Thanksgiving break without thinking any more about school.

So that's done.

Except I keep thinking of things I forgot to do.  Teaching is a good job for me, a job I sincerely love, but I find I can't shut it off ever.  I may even head back in tomorrow to fix up some of the stuff I didn't fix up today and yesterday.

Maybe it's not good to get a jump on things school related because I just stretch everything out into infinity, which might be a sign of mental illness, truth be told.  My pal told me today that going into school on the off hours is a bit like wandering into the Bermuda Triangle.  She's right. I need to just get back on dry land and focus on the here and now.  A 4:50 viewing of the Hunger Games flick is going to help.  Probably.  I'm hoping it will.  May the odds be ever in my favor. As they say in the Hunger Games.


Mary M. said…
We have all week off. It sounds as though you do too. I'm going to do some school work because I also don't know how to shut it off.
LH said…
Tonight we're seeing John Hiatt in concerto. So I plan to focus on the music and not think about lit. logs. Or upcoming report cards.
Anonymous said…
My two days are Friday and Sunday. Sigh. People always say, "don't work on breaks", but I know the chaos that occurs if I don't.
KC said…
I'm done now. I'm so excited. But I have some work to do over the weekend. It never turns off - that's so right.
Mrs. Prost said…
Oh Lee. I'm so glad I stumbled across this entry. I am still torturing myself, wondering if I should go in today...and which things I would tackle...but at least I am reminded that I'm not alone.

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