The Blue Jays

The EdgeWalkers
We went to a Blue Jays game on Thursday.  The attendance in the stadium was not great, and that's why I propose that Toronto give up their major league team to Bloomington, Indiana, where I know for a fact we can and will fill the stadium at every game. Sorry, Toronto.  You snooze and then you lose your team who will now be the Bloomington Blue Jays forevermore.

Blue Jays had 5 home runs during their winning game.  I caught one of them with my bare hands and after the game I went down to the dugout and all the players signed the ball for me.  I told them about Bloomington and they're all eager to move there soon.
I bought these shoes on my last sabbatical.

We are going back to another game this afternoon. The Bloomington Blue Jays are playing the Angels and I hope we send them straight to hell, as we did with the Phillies.   I also hope to catch another home run ball, or perhaps 2. FYI on another great fact: We were featured on the Jumbotron on Thursday night. Maybe this time they'll capture some video of me catching the home run ball. I'm getting excited.  Go Jays!


Bill said…
Do most Torontans speak English or are you now practicing a third language? If you would like a baseball team, we are generous in Seattle. Bloomington Mariners sounds good to me.
mm said…
Toronto seems like a cool city
KC said…
I feel like I know and love those shoes

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