
Tr: Holiday

There are a lot of holidays coming up this month:  Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot.  Koby advised us to take a trip during this time because lots of things shut down during the holidays.  We couldn't handle making the plans, honestly. Going somewhere else seems like too much work at this stage of the game. So, we're going to have to be creative about how we spend our time.  This shouldn't be too hard.  We started watching Season 1 of Breaking Bad and we have 4 seasons to watch.  I will also need to view Pronto's new fist bump technique video several hundred more times, until I get the hang of it.  We've got some books to read and we both have work we want to get done.  I've decided to give myself deadlines. I'm having writing anxiety today.  I think it's because of not knowing what to do about the holidays and our new apartment has kind of a weird cleaning supply kind of smell that I find worrisome.  Time to plunge in, peeps.  Wish me luck.


Anonymous said…
You need to look at your time in Israel as a holiday in itself, and there will be plenty of time for travel and trips. Seems like you guys are taking a lot of day trips already, and I am loving the photos and stories. Deadlines are good and writing is good. Forget the anxiety though. I love how you set little goals--sounds to me like the "write" plan! :)
Miss you.
Anonymous said…
I'm dying to watch that series and OITNB. It'll probably be the summer before I get to it though. Those birds are incredible. I think it's wise to just stay put right now. Plus you have two rooms...what could be better?!
lee said…
You're both very right, as usual. We'll stay put for September. We will take day trips and enjoy the holidays in a low key way.
KC said…
I'm a total homebody. Home is as good as away! N and jw are totally right. xoxo
dw said…
It's good that you'll have this time to apply yourself to learning Cupcake, SPRINKLES!
LH said…
KC, I'm starting to feel like I live here, so it seems like the time to stay put for a little bit.

Mr. Pronto, I really feel fortunate. As I've said earlier, You've got to do the time to be sublime.
And I intend to be sublime with Cupcake SPRINKLES! Hope my students next year love this because they're going to see an awful lot of it.

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