The Monday

Not the best.  Not the worst.  It ended up being pretty pleasant toward the end.  Husbandman made potato soup.  I had a glass of wine.  Now we're watching a show called The Voice.  Have you ever seen that show before?  It's pretty good.   If I could pick a coach to help me develop my singing voice, I'd probably pick that guy on the end with the tattoos.  He seems friendly.


LH said…
20 something daughter's talking about getting her olde blogge up and running againe.

KC said…
That's great news. Would love to see the IRoCR blog active once again.

Congrats on an okay Monday
If I get this paper done we should have a blog party.

And let's face it,

I'm gonna get it done.
mm said…
Perhaps it's time for a blog challenge.

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