The Uncle

My Uncle Tim died yesterday.  We were not expecting that. Does the suddenness make it sadder?  Sometimes I think that's true.  Uncle Tim was a fine, fine uncle.  He visited us lots of times and always brought us on little outings.  He hosted me at his home throughout my life, and always made me feel welcome and happy.  He loved talking about movies and books, told me lots of family stories, sang some songs with some pals at my wedding reception. He was a sweet and good man. I'll miss him a lot.


Anonymous said…
So sorry to hear about this.
KC said…
This is so sad. The shock does intensify the grief, I think.

Take care! xo
So, so, sorry to hear this LH.
Anonymous said…
Lots of hugs being sent your way. I am so sorry for your loss.

Sarah Murray
Anonymous said…
So sorry to hear about your uncle, sister-in-law. That must be really hard for your mom, too. Hope you are both going over good memories! -Eve
Anonymous said…
Oh, man. I'm so sorry! jw
jdoc said…
I am sorry to hear this. Thinking about you and your family.
LH said…
Thanks, friends. You're all very dear to me.

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