The Freak

Last week I took that Artful Learning summer course. And this week I have several school related things I need to attend:  literacy summit sessions, interviewing, and a few other sundry meetings.  This is the moment in time where I freak out because my summer projects and goals aren't done and I start feeling some extreme anxiety and wishing I were a different type of person altogether.  As the anxiety and identity issues increase, the productivity and efficiency decrease.  The proverbial vicious cycle.
Maybe blogging will help.


LH said…
Forgive the downer post. Feeling better.
KC said…
Just take a deep breath and let it go. We do our best and forget the rest, as you say. We can only do what we can do. Bless and release.

You know.
Anonymous said…
I love this post! You explain how I feel so well. Thanks!

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