The Predictions

Watching the Bachelorette.  Not good at predicting what's going to happen.  And that's why I always spoil the show by watching spoilers.  But this time, I'm not doing that.  I'm resisting spoilage.  The finale's going to be like Christmas morning.


Anonymous said…
Not me!!!Love those spoilers!
LH said…
I don't know how I can stand it, but I'm really trying to have fortitude!
Anonymous said…
The show tends to bore me so I just keep hopping around on the iPad between your blog, and spoilers. They've kept a pretty tight lid on things, but it is getting close to the end. I am over her though, and just want it to end!
LH said…
Nance, Emily is going through a horrible struggle. Try to support, not thwart.
LH said…
20 something daughter and I are both super proud of never looking at the spoilers yet.
Anonymous said…
Struggle??? She said she's so stressed out. Yeah right. Traveling all over the world, being handed glasses of wine, swimming with dolphins, yeah, lots of stress. I think you might be on to something when you said it will be like Christmas morning...a big disappointment, no?!
LH said…
Friend! You've got to get in the right seat on the bus. Emily's really struggling here. She's got 3 great guys! I pray that the finale brings her (and me) nothing but pure joy!!!!
I'm dying here.
LH said…
I know. Tough stuff. I'm reeling.
KC said…
That was crazy. Poor Sean! She said he was her "perfect man"! How could he have seen that coming?

He couldn't!

I inadvertently saw ONE spoiler when I was innocently looking up information about Jef's Mormonism. But, it's only one and I only barely read it.

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