The AP Massacre

#1 son is studying for AP tests.  When I asked him what I should call my blog entry today, #1 son said, "The AP Massacre."  This isn't the type of confidence I like to see in #1 before his AP tests.  Maybe he means that he's going to massacre the tests, but that's not the feeling I got from his tone and demeanor.  Good luck, #1.  Do your best, forget the rest.  (And by doing your best, I mean continuing to study for the AP's this week).


Anonymous said…
Tell #1 not to forget St. Joseph Cupertino. Study hard and well, and then ask St. Joseph Cupertino to make certain only those things you know well will be on the test.
He never fails.
You also must promise to make him better known and better loved.

LH said…
I'll tell him, Dorothy. If you've seen his You Tube Physics Homework Video, you'll know he doesn't always listen to the wisdom of others.

I love this prayer to St. Joseph Cupertino.
I don't know how #1 could go wrong with this!

O Great St. Joseph of Cupertino who while on earth did obtain from God the grace to be asked at your examination only the questions you knew, obtain for me a like favour in the examinations for which I am now preparing. In return I promise to make you known and cause you to be invoked.

Through Christ our Lord.

St. Joseph of Cupertino, Pray for us.

Anonymous said…
That's the prayer! I used him throughout my college days, and have always told my students about him. They often come years later and tell me how wonderful St. Joseph of C. worked for them.
Tell #1 it couldn't hurt.

kc said…
How did I not know about St. J of C?!

Good luck to #1 on the exams. I'm kind of annoyed at our APUSH teachers because not only do they have their exam this week, they're giving two other tests in class. This makes it impossible for the students to continue with their lives.

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