The Names

Well, a friend posted this as her facebook status today, "Off to Zanzibar on holiday."  I don't even know where Zanzibar is.  Zanzibar sounds so wonderful and exotic. A facebook status like this makes me reflect on my own life, and not too favorably if you must know. I am really not doing much these days.  Maybe a movie once in awhile.  Walking 20 feet out into the backyard to take some pix of the ice.  Contemplating making a meal in the CROCKPOT! WOOHOO!  Not much else.  Gotta step up my game.


Anonymous said…
Not doing much here either. Cooking, baking, eh? Venturing out to get some books from my sister cause I think we are going to be home tomorrow as well. Hello, winter. I have had enough. Please send spring.
LH said…
You're doing way more than me. I'm doing nothing. (Well I'm actually working on a ton of FV stuff, but that's not really like going to Zanzibar).

Why do you think we'll be out tomorrow? Please explain this young lady.
Anonymous said…
People do not have power still, and I think county roads are awful. Our neighborhood included. That is my reasoning.
LH said…
Okay, this reasoning sounds valid. I would enjoy another day at home. I have so much work to do and I don't get anything done when I'm at school.

I need to figure this out.
If it makes you feel better, someone got to my blog by searching for "Lee Heffernan literacy" on google.
LH said…
It DOES make me feel better. And so does that way cool blog post you got going over there at Indiana Rock.

You little awesome possum!
Anonymous said…
I visited Pemba once a long time ago.

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