The Birthday

This week was the birthday of this blog.  Six years ago, around Feb 6 or something like that, I started blogging.
I want to tell this blog something.  Blog, I just love the heck out of you.  And happy birthday.


jdoc said…
Happy birthday, Little Leeway! I love the heck out of you too. Didn't we go to a place with umbrellas on the ceiling once? In Chicago? Good times.
kc said…
happy birthday, bloggie!! you're the best.
Anonymous said…
Shall I bake a cake in celebration?! This blog and blogger so deserve it! You ROCK!
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday to my favorite blog.
Want to come over for a celebratory glass of wine this week? (And computer and printer are ready for pickup.)

LH said…
Hey I wrote a big fat yes earlier. what happened to it.

Maybe Tuesday night????

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