The Busy-ness
This job keeps me hopping. It's actually pretty insane how many things there are to do and to keep track of. Lately I've been doing more than my share of complaining about this. After I complain, I always feel overwhelming guilt. After the guilt floods through me, I usually move into pensive reflection, and I spend a few moments contemplating whether or not I'm happy with my job. I usually conclude that I AM happy with my job. Overall. In order to walk the happiness walk, I have decided to really work on minimizing my complaining. There's no reason why I can't do this. I've done many difficult things in my day. (Case in point: Couch to 5k program I finished this summer).
Granted, this particular change is going to require a complete personality shift, but I might be confident about pulling it off. Please try to send me encouraging thoughts. Whenever you think of it.
I had a hard time being a BRIGHT LIGHT at first because of some ridiculous problems. But, now I'm a bright light again.
U can Do IT!
I'm at work and I'm pretty happy because I cleaned my desk.
I have a new approach to my work stress. I've decided to not care about things so much. Yesterday someone was kvetching about something and I just said, "It's not a big deal" and sauntered away. And when I had no lunch I actually drove to the Taco Bell drive thru! And when someone went home sick and people came to tell me to cover their small groups I said, "Sorry, no. I have many things I'm doing right now." I'm not sure what to name this new approach.
IRoaCR, So happy to read your blog!
"To change one's life, start immediately, do it flamboyantly, no exceptions." ~William James
I think the new attitude will serve you well. As my son always says, when I'm freaking out over something, "Don't worry. It's all good."
A friend sent this encouraging thought to me:
"All emotions are pure which gather you and lift you up; that emotion is impure which seizes only one side of your being and so distorts you." ~ Rainer Maria Rilke