The Bucket

I hated coming home to 2 deer in the backyard because one of them had a kind of weird plastic bucket attached to his antlers. He wasn't even trying to get it off and that kind of made me sad. Can you detect how I documented said deer with said bucket here? I wish that deer could have trusted me enough to let me close enough to remove the plastic bucket.


Anonymous said…
So sad!

KC said…
I too feel sad about this deer.
Anonymous said…
That's awful!!
Anonymous said…
Check out the Letter to the Editor today about the wild cat.

LH said…
I read that letter. I wonder if that writer reads this blog?
LH said…
I'm thinking of renting a tranq gun to help this deer.
Julie Anna said…
I'm sure the deer had his bucket handy because he was coming over to my house to collect edible flowers and green tomatoes, maybe a little swiss chard that I planted and watched grow and was just about to cut for a delicious quiche but husband said, no, let it grow a little bigger. The deer, however, knew it was the perfect time for eating the beautiful chard and now we have not one chard leaf left. No quiche with homegrown organic chard will cross our lips this holiday weekend. You don't need to help the deer...they are helping themselves. I'm a tad bitter.

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