The Signs
The K's read about Dr. MLK Jr. this week. During free choice time, I brought index cards and tongue depressors and tape. I said, "Dr. King had a lot of messages and sometimes he would be in marches and carry signs. Let's make some signs like the ones Dr. King would carry." A group of K's took up the invite with gusto. They wrote signs like "Everybody can be nice to everybody" and "I love all of you" and "Hold Hands." After we made our signs we walked around the classroom during free choice time, in a big circle, holding our signs aloft. The k's playing with blocks or over in the kitchen area gave us supportive nods and smiles as they continued their play. It was pretty neat.
Those kinders carrying around signs brings a smile to my face!
I want to know those mlk songs. You can sing them to me on tokbox?