The Crocheting

Don't know why I got so obsessed with buzkashi today. It was mentioned in a book we're reading, but once I learned the basic gist of buzkashi, I took the ball (or the goat) and ran with it and did not stop checking out buzkashi sites all afternoon. Way to obsess and lose valuable time doing other things, self.
At recess, I started the crocheting with 4 kids. Now I have to add a few more at a time. I headed out to the craft shop and stocked up on hooks. I also got a new book for myself. I'm making a dishcloth.


Julie Anna said…
If you need help, crochet is something I know very well. can knit one stitch but I can crochet just about anything. I crocheted a teddy bear in high school home ec.
LH said…
We're getting to the point where we'll need help. WE all can make chains and we do make chains, long ones. But now, it's time for that second row. I've tried with a few kids, but they look at me like I'm trying to ruin their lives forever.
Julie Anna said…
What time is your recess? Also, the deck chair looks very sad in this picture. I think it's saying, "I could use an FOTD to cheer me up." Oh, wait, maybe that was me saying that ;) I will be sending out a message re:FOTD'ing on the L&J D as soon as it stops raining. If it ever stops raining.
Anonymous said…
Re your Twitter: The hamster and the ball are both missing? Check the backpacks.
LH said…
Hamster just found. In ball. Behind a book shelf. The kids don't know this yet, but i'm pretty sure this hamster is growing a tumor. Which is the beginning of the end in hamsterland.
Anonymous said…
Maybe it's not a tumor; maybe the hamster is pregnant.
LH said…
That's very hopeful thinking.

As for the deck chair, I feel like having a party RIGHT NOW!

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