The Return

I worked hard to be upbeat and animated today.  I think it paid off because chatty girl wrote me a letter that said, "You are pretty.  You are a sun rise."  Now that's a pretty good letter.  

The peeps were in pretty good form, but they kept interrupting me to announce how much time remained of the school day.  "3 hours left."  "There's about 1 hour and ten minutes left."  It's weird that they had no clue how to do a time related math problem during math groups at the end of the day.  This was the problem:  Sue woke up at 6:45.  She left for school at 7:30.  How long did it take Sue to get ready?"  

"2 and a half hours," said Sassy girl.  

Me:  "What if it's 6:30 and then an hour passes?"

Kids shouting out randomly:  6:00!  8:00!  3:30!"

Me:  "Okay, think about this. What if it's 6:00 and then an hour passes?"  

Them:  "7:00?"

Me:  "Right!!!!  So if it's 6:30 and then an hour passes, what time would it be?"

Them:  "10:00?  7:00?  8:00?"

Geezlouise.  Let's get out the cardboard clocks on the morrow. 


Anonymous said…
love the photo. Pedro always cracks me up.
Anonymous said…
I think two, out of the four, persons in your photo woud like to see it dumped.

Anonymous said…
Great photo. I wish you were in it.
KC said…
i love the photo, and i'm confused about the voicestream. what is voicestream? is it supposed to make noise?

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