The Change

#1 son has a new antibiotic, so now maybe his fever will stop.  

I'm having a little bit of nostalgia for my vacation.  I find I'm quite fond of roaming about, wasting time.  Tomorrow I'll go into SCHOOLSITE for a few hours and organize classroom events for the next week.  I do want to see those little peeps again and yet I wish we could just have some bagels together, catch up, and then take the rest of the week off to continue our quests for personal fulfillment.  That would be asking for a lot, but easing in to the working week has obvious benefits.   


Anonymous said…
Cute Panda!
You should carry an extra card.

Is #1 any better?

Any digging time?

LH said…
He's not better.
I'm going to hang out here today. How bout next weekend???
Anonymous said…
#1's illness is very worrisome.

Next weekend sometime is fine.

I am enmeshed in my Kindle. Love it!

You should read The Outliers.

lee said…
I just got over my jealousy @ JW's kindle
And now I feel kindle jealousy rearing
It's ugly head once again.
number one now has a horrid rash all
Over his body. Dr thinks it's part
Of his weird virus.
In sympathy I'm sitting around
Doing nothing.
KC said…
i don't get the whole kindle thing. what's so cool about it??

and #1? how is he now?
LH said…
if you saw the kindle, would you get how cool it is. I was very tempted to steal one from a reader at an airport recently. Just grab it and run off.

#1 son now is covered with a rash which i suspect is an allergic reaction to the second antibiotic which is not doing anything for his virus just like the first one did not.
Anonymous said…
Yikes! We are so very upset that Q is STILL sick! E just keeps saying that it sucks, and he is counting the seconds till Q can come over to see the new drums and play some music.
Anonymous said…
I hope #1 really has a medically induced rash, and not measles or some other horror.

Kindles could easily be stolen. You can disregister the name on it, and register your own, as long as you have an Amazon account. No trail.

I LOVE mine. Am reading more than ever.
I think we should start a local Kindle Klub.

LH said…
good to know about stealing the kindles.

#1 is finally feeling better. He's a bit blue about how his vacation has been spent, but as i tell him, at least he had wonderful parents with him every day during his illness.
Julie Anna said…
glad to hear the boy is finally getting better. Yikes, that was a nasty, long illness. We missed you last weekend at M&K's bash. #2 son was SO HAPPY to reconnect with the long lost tribe of CHELPP brothers. I have had kindle envy for a couple of years now. Once I saw the online demo, I was totally hooked. Still have not shelled out for the thing, though, but one of these days...
LH said…
We were ALL down about missing the get together. I wanted to see that CHELP of yours, very much.

A woman on a plane let me check out her kindle. And since that day, I think about the kindle quite often.

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