The Readings

When I was at the public library yesterday, I saw 3 copies of a book on the new book shelf. I usually pick books that have multiple copies, because that's a hint to me that the book might be popular. Come to find out, as I left the library I noticed that the very book I checked out is the ONE BOOK ONE BLOOMINGTON book choice this year. So if you want to read this book with me, I'd be really pleased. It could be a short lived book club. I've read 2 pages of the book. I quit last night so I could watch a show on people dealing with anger management issues on MTV. But now I'm getting back in to it.


Anonymous said…
Thanks for the DTE info.
And yes, I'll read the book with you. I'll get it this week, so slow down a bit.
Go on my JPG page, and see the pile of books photo.
One person answered with his choices for "next."
Anonymous said…
i'll do it even though i don't live there. but i have to locate it and finish my current #1 ladies detective agency book (the kalahari typing school for men) first. don't worry, i'll be done with that within a day or two.
hr said…
I've been wanting to read that book too! I also need to get back to you re: Ballot Box. We read, we watched, we conversed, we compared our ideas, but of course I haven't gotten back to you or the 201ers.
LH said…
Okay, I'm getting a few readers together. I'm only on p. 9, so let's not rush into anything.

and prob about the power pt. end of year craziness is happening in my place too. but next year we can maybe work on this project???

I have to do stupid sub plans now because tomorrow i'm going to be in a room grading mock writing tests all day. geezlouise.
Anonymous said…
As you can see, I'm finally getting through my now 956 emails. I'm going from latest to earliest. Yes, I'll read with you. I haven't bought the book yet. I'll probably be behind everyone.
LH said…
woohoo book club.
i'll keep track of pages over in twitter.

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