The Gift

Last week, it was time for our ymca walk. That meant coats. So I started in on my rhyming. Stuff like, "Don't pet a goat, go get your coat." and "No time to float, just get your coat." The kids groan and beg me to stop, but as I told them, "I'm very good at this." Little miss mp shook her head and said, "It's a dark gift."
I loved that comment but I do disagree, my rhyming gift is all goodness and light. Obviously.


Anonymous said…
Your rhyming isn't bad, but you're no Tupac. However, I LOVE the dark gift comment.
(See my invite/comment on your previous message.)
LH said…
I know I'm not of Tupac quality, but when they groan and beg me to stop, I think they're going too far.
Julie Anna said…
I love the comment. It shows wit, and I like that in a kid. Also wanted to say I am back in blogging mode, friend, after a six month hiatus for which there was no good reason.
Undomestic said…
Cute pic of savvy mom.
Anonymous said…
really great B&B pic. I particularly like the other people in the reflection who may or may not be enjoying the juxtaposition.

LH said…
BAD NEWS BEARS! My internets are down. I'm over at a pal's house.

So annoying!
Anonymous said…
Don't you love the BEAN? Alison, David, Jonathan, and J's friend Malwin who's visiting from Germany, were all up in Chicago last week and we spent a long time shooting pictures at this very spot!
Where are we going to have a get-together? We must have one asap!


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