The Pencils

I bought some pencils for los ninos at the Shedd Aquarium. Sadly, I didn't realize these pencils change color if you rub them over and over again. Bedlam ensued as kids frantically swapped for preferred colors. Then there was the frustrated flinging of the few pencils that refused to change colors. Flinging was followed by desperate begging for replacement pencils, which sadly did not exist. When I remarked that it seemed kind of ridiculous to make such a fuss over a bunch of pencils, a kid yelled out, "These aren't just pencils!" Whatev. Pencil debacle happened close to dismissal time, so I bided my time and am now rewarded with a pleasant weekend.


Anonymous said…
ENJOY your well-deserved weekend---it's GORGEOUS outside!!! --- Your bruv,however, will be remaining indoors to cheer on BC!
LH said…
Hey dearheart, I'm enjoying it. Go BC! I'm rooting in spirit.
Anonymous said…
you shouldn't have been so nice to remember the kids. That's the lesson, i think.
LH said…
that's definitely a problem. they can't handle gifties and I love to give them. We've got to get more in
synch. Just got back from the Clooney movie, Michael Clayton.
v. excellent.
Anonymous said…
love the food experiments link
LH said…
b, will you have some france fotos on your page soon???

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