The Invitations

The sixers are involved in extra-curriculars and they often invite me to attend their games, their recitals and their plays. I'm always disarmed by these requests and have to pause, smile, and breathe before I politely decline. My natural inclination is to laugh outloud and sputter, "Why the hell would I want to go to your swim meet?" I know teachers who attend extra curricular activities and I admire their kindness, but I have to do my own thing. Yesterday I declined an invitation to watch a play two sixers are in. I had the perfect excuse. I watched #1 son play Yussel the hat maker in Fiddler on the Roof. The kid was awesome.


Anonymous said…
momas: done let yer sons grow up to be
bass players...
Anonymous said…

I often want to say, "sorry, I get paid so poorly that I have to work an extra job. I don't have time to go to your soccer game. If your parents would like to pay me to attend, then I would be more than happy to cheer my fool headoff in support of your team."

What's up? There have been two posts in 6 days. According to my mathematical calculations this is one every three days. I don't know about anyone else, but I need more than that! My life needs the humor and insight that I get from this blog. It is one thing I look forward to each day.

KC said…
i kind of want some invitations because i need some activities for shef -- it could be good to see some synchronized swimming or something...
LH said…
Bob, I had some reservations, but I could not get the kid in to french horn. I thought french horn would have been awesome, I love its curvy shape. you're probably not on spring break, are you? are right. it's weird. nothing has happened to me at all for several days. nothing. i find that surprising, and a little bit disconcerting. are you on spring break?

kc, soon you'll be watching shef's synchronized swimming and performances in The Tempest. Then you'll see what I'm talking about woman... Happy spring break to you too?
KC said…
i can see how it happens, but i have a few years to fill up. this spring, we're going to whoa-nay's softball games, so that'll be something to look forward to.
Anonymous said…
Bob and I actually are on a spring break of sorts. We are leaving for a week in Tahoe tomorrow (Sunday). Cross country skiing is not exactly what I would call a spring thing, but it beats tiling the bathroom, which is what we're doing today. And it really beats three presentations in two days, which is what I was up to at work.

LH said…
kace...soon we'll be starting q's baseball. you should drive down for that. sometimes mellencamp is in the stands, watching his kid. it's fun.
m,tahoe sounds wonderful. you always bring the best books. what are you reading? i'm reading the wishbones by tom perrotta. v. good.
Anonymous said…
Just finished "There Are No Children Here" by Alex Kotlowitz. Combine that with my recent reading of Kozol, and I need a break from the heavy stuff.

Have 2 books going currently: "The Good, The Bad & The Difference How To Tell Right From Wrong In Everyday Situations" and "Americans in Paris."

The first is by the guy who writes "The Ethicist" column in the New York Times Magazine. Bob and I saw him speak in Berkeley recently, and he's quite funny. Am only on page 7 of book so far, but it is living up to those same funny standards.

"A in P" is a collection of essays written by Americans about Paris. Makes me want to travel.

And I'll be taking a handful of magazines to which I subscribe, about hobbies that I don't have time to engage in...

LH said…
I may have to get the A in P book.
We will be venturing there this summer. We have some cd's for learning the language, but they're still in the shrink wrap.

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