The Warmth

The UN commission on climate change is meeting in Canada this week. Top on the agenda is the development of a plan to extend the Kyoto Protocol past its current “commitment period” which ends in 2012. Guess who doesn’t want to extend the Kyoto Protocol? Guess who thinks working on restricting global emissions should be a voluntary endeavor rather than a legal mandate? Guess who’s the biggest polluter on the planet? Yeah, it’s us, the U.S. Even though, once again, I may not get to feel that warm glow of pride from the knowledge that we’re joining with others to take some small steps to protect the planet, I can anticipate the warmth that will come later from the global warming crises on the way.
Foto Credit of the Komodo Dragon: Joy


Anonymous said…
The usual argument against global warming is that the current climate trend is a natural part of the ongoing cycle of climate alteration. However, I recently read this BBC article: about a study which found that that the CO2 levels are greater than they have been any other time in the past 650,000 years. Scary stuff..

Oh yeah, great photo..
Anonymous said…
Is that Godzilla?
KC said…
shef loves komodo dragons. we have them here in prospect park, along with tapirs and moose. "komdo dragon," he says, and demands to see pictures of them on the internet.
Julie Anna said…
It's all scary stuff. The bf asked the other night, "How many years does GWB have in office?" A spirit-sapping three more years, that's how long.
LH said…
komodos are awesome and bush is horrific. i wish he would meet up with a komodo dragon and lose a toe. (that happened to someone once.)

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