The Thanks

The weekend of thankfulness with the wonderful family has come to an end. Yay team! The haystacks were eaten, the bevvies were bevved, the zoo was reviewed, the movies were viewed, the chatting at the kitchen table was thoroughly chattifying.
The new Harry Potter had me screeching "POTTER" with vim and gusto in the parking lot after the show and Walk the Line has brought us all into a burning ring of fire. Singing Folsom Prison Blues too but I have to interrupt myself to point out to los kiddos that killing a man just to watch him die is totally unacceptable.
Now it's back to work before a jaunt to Miami on Thursday. I'm freaking a bit because all I've bought in terms of xmas gifts so far is a fancy cheese grater that Mitzi recommended. I don't even know who it's for. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said…
We surely enjoyed being with y'all and am glad you made it through relatively unscathed!!----happy trip to Miami!
Anonymous said…
I heard everyone had a great time this weekend. I appreciated all the pie vicariously. Wow, I am dying myself to see the Potter film myself, but waiting until the lines are slightly shorter than Disneyland length.
Anonymous said…
It was great to see everyone, now how do I get to the front of the line on the cheese grater thingie?
LH said…
i'm a bit irked because i left a comment to you all a few hours ago and it never appeared.
basically it said this:
sisterwoman...i am sending you some fotos of you and mr. b.
kate...we've missed you over here at alittleleeway. yay for coming to visit.
joy, the grater is quite a gift actually and i am considering getting one for everyone i know. you qualify.

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