The Teen

Celebrating her birthday was a wonderful end to a long day filled with more parent teacher conferences. Lots of chat about homework, organization, punctuation, test scores, future junior high placements, and the social lives of sixers. I have a weird sore under my nose from the three weeks of sinusitis which is unsightly and kept me from really enjoying my day with the parents. I could not stop thinking about it. I told my teaching partner how bummed I was about my disfigurement and she reassured me with the comforting words, "It just looks like a zit." That really calmed me down. Anyway, now I'm home and life is good in the heartland. Happy Birthday dear teen daughter. If you wanna hang out here for another 15 years, it would be our great pleasure.

we're conflicted about the whole driving issue. it sounds good in the abstract, but i'll have to learn more before I commit to supporting teen driving on these premises .