The Shirt

Judy has been helping me buy clothes for so long that if people remark on my attire they usually say something along the lines of “Nice sweater-shirt-scarf-vest. Did Judy pick it out?” This week at lunch, Judy got a little bossy with the clothes, as she can from time to time, with “You shouldn’t be wearing that white shirt with that sweater. Wear a t-shirt under the sweater.”
As I had been feeling rather dapper that day, I replied, “I like the way this looks.”
She responded matter of factly, “It’s a waste of the white shirt. The white shirt is a stand alone.”
“But I like the look of the white shirt with the sweater.”
“You’re going to sweat and make the arm pits of the white shirt yellow and then it’s useless.”
“Well, I guess I can always buy a new white shirt then.”
But Judy knows that the white shirt was expensive so she commented on its price before advising me one more time to wear the white shirt without the sweater in future. In the clothing department, and in pretty much all others, Judy does not back down. Will I wear the white shirt and the sweater again? I really can’t say. I'm going to have to think about it.


Anonymous said…
I don't back down because I know I'm right.
Anonymous said…
My best pal, jm, she tells me what to wear too. Actually, it goes more like this: Me: Do you like this sweater? jm: Silence. Then I know she hates it. Good to have honest words and honest silences from best friends. . .mostly.
KC said…
my pal jordan is a fashion consultant as well. in fact, just criticized me last night for buying jeans that are clearly too big for me. this is a chronic problem. "ALL of your clothes are too big for you," she said. This isn't entirely true, but it is a trend...

then, she suggested I return the jeans, but i had already removed the tags and worn them two days in a row.
Julie Anna said…
Like Gilda Radner, my sense of style is mostly based on what doesn't itch. I also don't tuck things in...ever. I can't tolerate tucking in. I work with 50-something women, all of whom have a style I would describe as "very old lady matching pant sets with lots of coordinated ugly costume jewelry". If I am dressing like that at 50, I will kill myself. So I have no regular style consultant other than my 15 year old son who makes a point to tell me when something "isn't me". Very tailored or feminine--not me. High heels--not me. He also points out too young/too old/too highwaisted/too offbeat/too hippy/too much like something he wears, etc. He also seems to keep mental track of every pair of shoes I've ever purchased and just freaks on me when I buy shoes. "You HAVE shoes like that!" "Those are just like the boots you bought last year and NEVER wear! You KNOW you're not going to wear those. Those are NOT YOU." I have to sneak around with my shoe buying.
LH said…
maybe the world can be separated into two groups, the people who advise others on their shopping habits, and those who accept advice about their shopping habits. i'll have to test that further. there's probably a little quiz on the internet somewhere that i can take and give to others.
Anonymous said…
I promise to never give advice again on the wardrobe thingy. jw
LH said…
Sorry, I'm afraid that's not going to work. i want to shop in PA.

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