The Chagrin

When I couldn't find any sign telling me to stay out, I crossed a rocky trench to get close to this totem. I took some fine fotos and returned to the crowd. Found a small sign off to the side later, telling me to stay away from the totems. The Canadians are just way too polite in their signage, but I was still embarrassed. I've always been a pretty good sign follower. And because Husbandman repeatedly asked me what I was thinking crossing the trench. He pointed out that it looked really odd to see me over there. Another embarrassment occurred yesterday when my credit card was denied at a local poster shop where I was buying some rocking cool posters for my classroom. Husbandman called credit card company and they told him that they put a hold on our card because they detected charges from out of the country. Credit card man suggested that we call the company whenever travelling outside of our nation's borders. Thought I'd pass this helpful tip along to others. Classroom's almost done, and though I am embarrassed that I have very little to write today, I couldn't NOT blog before leaving the house. That's a little embarrassing, too. Posted by Picasa


Julie Anna said…
Ack. I know what you mean. I am a born rule breaker when the rules don't make any sense, but I try to be a rule follower when it comes to things like desecrating sacred grounds or park flora and such. I live in mortal fear, when I'm traveling, of appearing to be yet another Ugly American. But sometimes, hey, we all miss a sign or two!! (And the picture is really great!)
Julie Anna said…
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Julie Anna said…
just so it doesn't drive you crazy, that was me with the deleted post because I accidently posted the same thing twice. Ok, this is an extremely picky detail, but it would bug me.
LH said…
Hey Ms, J, Missing a sign wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, but Husbandman kept bringing it up all day. I do believe the foto was worth it, tho.

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